Sunday 9 January 2011

George the Dragon

Each weekend, a different child from eldest's year group may take George the Dragon home for a fun weekend. This time it was eldest's turn. For some reason, she kept calling him 'Archie' by accident. Here's an impression:

scoring a goal with youngest's godfather

sharing a snack

George's first parachute jump

group hug
night night George


  1. Hihihi geweldig mag hij zomaar parachutespringen!!

  2. Gave foto's. Ik ben vlg week zondag in Londen btw, moet examen doen.

  3. George lives life to the max! Superschattig zoals ze hem toedekt in zijn bedje.

  4. George certainly looks like he had a fun weekend. Was there some text behind the photo of Elsje and her godfather. Nice to see the top.
